Bathroom makeover on the cheap....
I consider myself “apolitical.” In other words, I have an opinion, a personal “ideology,” but I really try to avoid all the political “fodder.” It’s just too depressing, stressful, overwhelming…
It eats into my personal happiness.
But with all that is going on, I found myself sitting on the couch mesmerized by the news ALL DAY FOR AN ENTIRE WEEK!
I was so overwhelmed.
I HAD to get moving and my little morning walk and ride wasn’t cutting it…just too much time left in my day.
So I tackled a project I could not have cared less about lifting a finger or spending a dime on…the guest bath.
It gets used MAYBE 2-3 times a year when the kids come for overnight visits. I threw down a few comfy rugs, stocked it with “guest necessities” (this stuff is important) and hung a nice curtain. I would clean it when I knew we were going to have over night company…other than that…out of sight, out of mind.
The fact that few used it or saw it on a regular bases was just fine by me.
It wasn’t completely offensive.
It was just “blah.” Beige walls, off-white cabinets, dated, boring lighting and fixtures…just blah.
Again, who cares…
But I needed to get moving and put my body in motion. And this was the perfect project. Inside in the AC but away from the TV.
Inspiration…anything “unblah.”
My plan…”unblah” it.
Budget…as little as it takes to “unblah” it.
Usually I am all for finding an inspiration, making a plan, and working with a sound budget. In my opinion, it is the only way to attack a big project like this.
But I need to move and I didn’t have the time or patience to sit and think about this for weeks. I decided my MAIN objective was to use the materials I have on hand and try to make a few changes that would “unblah” the space without breaking the bank.
First on the list…get rid of all the gold fixtures. The style wasn’t TOTALLY offensive but they are gold…gold towel and hand towel bars and gold TP holder. I decided to “repurpose” the hand towel holders and TP holder by painting them black. A little primer, a little black paint…both in my stash. Cost…zero.
I also replace the faucets…the existing weren’t totally offensive but these were pretty inexpensive on Amazon…less than $50 each.
I removed the towel bar and added a little bit of board and batten with hooks for towels. Similar to my entry….super simple…again look for a tutorial that makes sense to you! Less than $50.
I used some leftover trim paint to paint the board and batten and all the trim. Cost…zero.
I painted all the doors in the main part of the house before we moved in…but again, this space got completely ignored! I even ordered black door knobs but never put them on these doors. I used the left over black paint and the knobs I bought over a year ago. Cost today…zero.
The cabinets….I used the leftover paint from my master bath cabinets. Cost…zero.
I did buy new inexpensive hardware. About $4 each so less than $40. (But I could have painted the existing hardware with black paint I had on hand.)
The ceiling needed to be painted. Big water spot around the HVAC vent. I sprayed the spot with some Kilz I had on hand and dug out the leftover ceiling paint! Cost….zero.
The beige walls needed to be “deblahed.” I painted them white…plain ole’ pure white. I only needed about a gallon and my son had some leftover from their house. Cost…zero.
I would have loved to change out the 23 year old tops…maybe add a pretty tile backsplash…but the tops aren’t terribly offensive (just a bit dated) so for now they stay. Just added the new faucets.
Three new light fixtures…two vanity lights and a pendant light…again, Amazon. All three for less than $250.
I could have repurposed the lights that where there with a little paint but the new were worth the investment.
Again, this space only gets used 2-3 times a years so it’s not like I need something expensive.
The flooring could stand to be changed…but again, this is a room that is rarely used….soooooo…..
The only other thing I would love to do in this room is change out the mirror…or at least frame it. I found THIS tutorial for a wall treatment I absolutely LOVE….
Not necessarily the gold mirrors…I think I would go with round wood framed. But I love the wood slate treatment and I may eventually tackle that project…someday…maybe when we have another national crisis and I need to focus on something constructive.
Sadly at the rate our country is going, that may be next week.
With all the negative looming over our heads…fires, hurricanes, Afghanistan, Covid, inflation….I can not stress enough how important it is to stay focused on the positives in your life. Believe me when I say I GET IT. It is hard to stay positive when people we love are sick and dying, our retirements are swirling the drain, you can’t meet you monthly financial obligations, the very fabric of our great country is being shredded.
Turn off the tv…shut down your computer….turn your radio dial. I’m not advocating bathing yourself in complete ignorance….just turn off and tune out the onslaught of negativity and focus on something that makes you happy.
The laughter of your children as they play.
The sound of the the crickets and birds on your morning walk around the neighborhood. (Get out and breath fresh air…EVERY DAY)
The babble of a brook in a nature park.
Coffee on the porch early in the morning before the heat and humidity sets in.
A tiny bit of “quiet time.” (Whether you do yoga, meditate, read your bible, just sit and stare…ALWAYS carve out a little bit of quiet, alone time EVERY DAY.)
A stroll down the aisles of Hobby Lobby…fall and Christmas are just around the corner!!!
I’ll admit it…my life isn’t all roses and peach fuzz. Somedays I really struggle to find something positive to focus on. But as I said HERE, you choose your “hard.”
Choose wisely.