Board and Batten Entry....
The entry…the one place in your home EVERY guest will see. They may not see your awesome pantry…or even your darling guest bath or amazing kitchen, but when you open the door they will see your entry.
It is one reason I really stressed about what to do with this space. I wanted it to be warm and welcoming, and while it is a big space, there is very little “wall space” to allow for big credenzas or entry storage. I really don’t need either since we usually enter from the garage into the laundry room…great “drop zone” for our packages, coats, purses, shoes, etc….but I like the look of both in entry spaces!
Of course the first course of business was replacing the dated door, window and light fixture….relatively easy fixes and something I did before we moved in!
This was after the window was replaced but before the door, light fixture and flooring!
I debated on the board and batten for some time…
I just felt it needed a little “something.”
It only took me 16 years to get the entry in my last house the way I wanted it…I feel like I am moving at warp speed on this one…lol!
At one point I tried a larger rug…but I didn’t like it…I honestly like the little dinky rug that is probably too small for the space. This is a prime example of doing what I LOVE vs. doing what the “design experts” tell me I am suppose to do.
A hint of trouble came when winter hit and we needed a place for visitors coats…other than putting them in the closet in the office, there really was no place to hang them.
Coat racks are a bit out dated and just hanging a wall mount coat rack didn’t trip my trigger.
Board and batten allowed me to put a few hooks on the wall.
But that led to a little problem with the table. I LOVED the little walnut table, but you can’t hang coats above a table.
Again, it is NOT my style HOWEVER it was my grandparent’s and it is walnut…heirloom and walnut…my two favorite elements.
Truthfully I like the look of an entry table…but I really need the hanging space so I went looking for a simple bench.
And I found it….
I LOVE this bench I found on Etsy. Not the least expensive bench out there (and I paid a tad more for walnut) but the quality and craftsmanship made it worth the investment.
Since the table is a family heirloom I didn’t want to get rid of it. The little wickerish bedside table in the guest room had no sentimental value so it got hauled to the bunk room and the table is now a bedside table in the guest room…perfect!
I love the look and feel of this entry now…warm, inviting, functional.
I am currently playing around with the dining room table.
When it was set the other way, facing the living room….
….there was no room on the only large wall for a buffet or credenza.
So I have turned the table the “other” way, which gives me room for a buffet or credenza along the wall…
But I am not sure I like it “that way.” So it will sit while I ponder.
That is just how I roll…sometimes I have to sit and ponder, like whether to put up board and batten or whether I should turn my table a different way. Sometimes I know almost immediately I am not going to like it. Prime example, the “river rock” I put in a flower bed for drainage. I knew immediately I did not like the white rock I put down originally!
So out came the white rock and I found some that I liked better…
Sometimes it is okay to sit and “ponder.” I have learned that the more I really think about something, the more I tend to like it long term. When I just jump right in and start on a project without really visualizing it, living with it in my mind for a while, I tend to not like it as well. And that is a waste of time, energy and money!
Until next time….