How to paint your front door properly...

I have been super busy with things other than DIY projects. But one project I did manage to do this past week was repaint my front door…just a quick little one coat “refresher.”

My tutorial for painting an exterior door gets a lot of traffic so I though I would link back to that post just in case you need a little help.


I also painted house numbers on the door and I shared that tutorial HERE.

Remember, not everyone will see you newly remodeled bathroom or organized linen closet…but almost every guest will see your front door…keep it nice!!!

This is just one of the little projects I managed to get worked in this past week in the midst of some “big stuff” that I will share when I can.

In the meantime, I may be linking back to some little projects ANYONE can do! So if you are new around here you might want to stay tuned for some basic tutorials!