Eastlake chair makeover....

A few weeks ago I questioned the need to paint an antique....seriously, is it a cardinal sin?

Most "purists" would never take a paint brush to a walnut chair or mahogany dresser...I get it...I was one of them. 

But sometimes I have to bite the bullet and go with the flow! 

I bought two Eastlake chairs at an auction a few months ago. Naturally, I neglected to take good "before" pictures because, again, I am a bad blogger.

One had arms, usually referred to as the "caption's chair"...you can get a peek of it next to the old couch (finished the couch last week...hope to share soon!) 

The other does not have arms. It has been at 410 Vintage since I bought them. 

I decided to give the caption's chair a little makeover, knowing that a true "antique purist" would stroke. But my general rule is...if changes will enhance the piece and give it another life, go for it! Keep in mind, I always do as much research as I can to make sure I am not slathering paint on a valuable piece. Eastlake pieces have some value, but right now the market in their original condition are pretty slim in our area. (Now MCM pieces...that's another story!) 

These two old chairs didn't have much of a life as they were, so...

I chalkpainted the frame....

....distressed it a tad to highlight the Eastlake detailing, applied a clear coat, reupholstered the seat and back with drop cloth and added a little graphic from The Graphic's Fairy for a touch of whimsey!

The seat of the chair was in pretty good shape, but the back needed new upholstery weaving and padding. And as with most old chairs the arms needed to be glued and clamped. No biggy, but again, ALWAYS make needed repairs before investing your time and money on paint and upholstery!

It sold the day I took it in.

I've decided to give the other chair a makeover as well....fortunately warmer weather is just around the corner!


"Repurposed" oak dresser....

So many little projects happening...a tv console, a thrift store wall clock, an old love seat, some Eastlake chairs.

But today I want to share another "Trash to Treasure." As I have mention, I often find discarded, abused pieces of furniture at the apartments. They either get left behind in a unit or thrown on the trailer I keep out back for bulk trash. 

Someone had tossed this oak chest skeleton onto the trailer....

It wasn't in terrible shape but it was missing all the drawers. I hated to just toss it in the dumpster...I knew I could do something with it, just wasn't sure what. I brought it home and waited for inspiration to hit.

I did have to do a little bit of structural repair...nothing major...glue and clamps!

I decided to turn it into a little shelf....kitchen, bath, bedroom...wherever someone might need some extra storage for dishes, towels or even shirts...maybe add some cute baskets or boxes. 

I cleaned it up, chalkpainted and distressed the "skeleton," added some stained plywood shelves, and....

I thought about painting the inside but decided to let it be what it is...and old oak dresser repurposed. 

Sometimes less is more.

Club Chair Makeover...

For those of you who are old enough to remember 45 records, you know what it is like to buy a record for the "A" side, only to find you love the song on the "B" side.

That is basically what I did when I found the perfect upholstery for my big club chair and ottoman....

No I did not find inspiration in a song. I brought home 4-5 fabric samples I thought I might like. IIICKKKK! They were all awful so I tossed them on the chair, only to find exactly what I wanted on the flip side of one of my selections!

Magnolia Fabric Lemuel Mushroom

I knew I needed a lighter fabric...anything dark would just be too "heavy" for the space since the addition of the brown leather couch (reasons for the hulking brown leather couch here.) "Light" is kind of a problem in a house with a dog that sheds like a dead pine tree and thinks ALL the furniture in the house is for her comfort. You think kids are a mess...HA! 

So I really couldn't go with anything "off white" but I desperately needed a fabric that was "light" and would go with any color.

This chair is really "not my style." It is oak...strike one. It is "queen anneish"...strike two. But what keeps it in the game is the comfort...this chair is soooo comfortable. I bought it 26 years ago and this is it's second makeover, the last being 16 years ago. I have read many books in this chair, watched many movies in this chair, and even spent a few restless nights in this chair!

Originally it was in the den....

...but when the "combining of the households" went down, it was moved into the living room to make room for Brian's leather chair and ottoman!

I still love the black and gold fabric but again, big brown couch! Major "dark and dank!"

Since I knew it would be a major chore to makeover, I wanted to make sure I picked a fabric that I really love, could handle a lot of wear and use and one that would stand the test of time! 

I think this fabric fits the bill...super durable, not too light and not a "fad." It coordinates with any accent color I throw at it...teal, red, black, white, whatever!

And more importantly, I really do love it! 

First I removed all the old fabric and set it aside to use as patterns for the new fabric.

To mask the "oakiness" I stripped the old finish using this process and then stained it with gel stain. I used a gel stain to ensure I would get a deep, rich color. I actually layered several different colors to finally get the look I wanted...one of the reasons I advocate using a stain without a sealer! A few coats of tung oil finish and it was ready to reupholstery.

Again, I could give you a long-winded tutorial...but every chair is different and I really think you can find a perfect tutorial just by searching for a chair/couch/bench very similar to what you have! 

In my opinion, the hardest part of upholstery is stripping the old fabric and pulling the million plus nails and staples. But it is important to remove ALL the old nails and staples! Also, don't forget...NOW is the time to make repairs...wobbly leg...glue and clamp...broken frame...glue and clamp. If it needs new springs or batting or cushions...do it NOW!

I added a little fresh batting and tightened the strapping in the ottoman...but other than that, it was pretty solid!

Make the PROPER repairs before you start upholstering! If you don't know how to fix it, google it! I promise you will find a tutorial to fix anything! 

Now that the chair is done, the other things I want to change are all the more apparent...the window seat cushions and a few accent pillows...and of course the flooring and wall color. IT NEVER ENDS!!!

As I mentioned in an earlier post, I told Brian to just take me shopping if I EVER mentioned reupholstering a piece again. But the truth is, I love this chair...not the oak, not the style...just "the chair." And now that it is recovered in a fabric I really love, I love the chair even more! So I guess the two weeks of hell was all worth the effort...

...I think!

Waterfall armoire makeover....

This week's project is a classic example of "OMG, can I really paint an antique!!!???"

This is a pretty little vintage waterfall armoire I picked up at an estate auction a few weeks ago. It wasn't in terrible shape, but it really didn't have a lot going for it aesthetically...kind of plan and boring!

It did have some really pretty bakelite hardware, which is classic on waterfall pieces. The problem was the condition of the hardware. One was completely missing the bakelite, and the other three were broken and chipped....pretty much unsalvagable! 

The "design" on the top drawer was not a true inlay...and the general construction was pretty simplistic. I did a little research online to make sure it wasn't something of great value! Sometimes, when there are no makers marks, you just have to make a judgment call on the value as a "restored antique." 

In the end, I decided to give the piece a little KTSP treatment and give it a new life. Hopefully it will make a perfect little dresser/storage cabinet for someone! 

I removed all the hardware, taped and papered the drawers and insides and sprayed it down with Kilz. Since one of the pulls was toast, I puttied the holes so I could add a single pull. After sanding it smooth and wiping it down with tack cloth, it was time to paint.

Unfortunately, it is that time of the year when temperatures don't always cooperate. So I had to haul everything into my dining room and use a brush and roller instead of spray paint. 

No biggy IF you do it properly...make sure you use a quality brush, a 4" foam roller and add Floetrol to your latex paint! (Penetrol for oil based) The additive will give your paint a longer dry time and more time to "level," eliminating brush and roller marks. 

I found a pretty blue and tried it on the drawers..ummmm...no. Too babyish. So I mixed a little black in some green and came up with a greyish-green I kind of liked.

I removed the broken bakelite from the pulls and sprayed them with metal primer then sprayed them with gold paint. Kind of pretty!

All in all, it turned out kind of cute. While it was a nice "vintage" piece, I think the paint and new hardware gave it a nice little "update" and a chance at a new and useful life....

If you are certain a piece is not a valuable antique, don't be afraid to give it a little face lift! 

As I mentioned last week, I have been working on reupholstering the club chair and ottoman in the living room. Unfortunately I had to order a little more fabric so HOPEFULLY I can finish it up this week and share next week! 

Until then....

Easy bottle cleaners!

Sometimes I don't take "before" pictures because I am not sure what I am doing will work!

But this little trick DID work so I will just share what I did.

I keep a baby bottle brush on hand to clean out small bottles and glassware and it always seems to do the trick! But this week I picked up two large glass jars with small "mouths" that were pretty cruddy. I soaked them for a good while to try to remove all the gunk inside and used mineral spirits to get the label gunk off the outside, but I just couldn't get the insides clean. 

My baby bottle brush was too short for these large jars so I had to figure out a way to scrub out the inside. And I didn't dare stuff a cloth or sponge down inside least it wouldn't come out!


This is one of those "think outside the box" times. I cut down a scrubby sponge, pierced it with a long wood skewer and PRESTO...

Instant bottle scrubber. I was able to reach all the gunk inside and clean them right up!!!

I think a coat hanger would work as well because you can bend it to fit the curves of the bottle...but I didn't need to do that. The skewer worked just fine!

And there you have it...a simple way to scrub out a large glass jar! You're welcome!

This week, between painting and repairing apartments, I have been working on recovering the club chair and ottoman in the living room.

After DAYS of stripping and ripping and sewing, I told Brian if I EVER mentioned reupholstering anything to immediately take me shopping...seriously, if you ever wonder why it costs so much to have something reupholstered, just try it!!!! Right now I am laying in bed counting the hours until my chiropractor opens and kicking myself for getting rid of that hot wax hand dip gadget. It's a good thing I really LOVE this chair! HOPEFULLY, I will have it done next week and can share!

Super simple DIY wall decor....

As I look around at my wall decor, I realize that MOST of it is thrift store, garage sale, vintage market pieces that I have collected and "upscaled" at some point in time.

Here I shared a quick update to my little gallery wall of favorite family photos....

Simple, inexpensive frames spray painted and new matting. I didn't even have expensive "custom" mats made...I cut bulk matting to fit the frame and then mounted the pictures on top of it!

I spent a fortune on these dining pictures 17 years ago and in my quest to transition from "dark and dank" to "light and bright" I gave them a little make-over....

I did spend a little more on custom matting, but I chalk painted the frames and deconstructed and changed it all out myself. A tad more expensive but faaaaar less expensive then going out and buying new matted pictures! You can pick up frames like these for pennies at thrift stores! Maybe the picture is ugly and the frame is "dated" but it really is a simple little DIY project that can make a huge impact! 

This super cool mid century dresser mirror was another DIY project I shared here

I love the fact that I can change out the wreath for the holiday seasons...I have one for fall (pictured) and Christmas, a Valentine's wreath and a cool little metal thing for the 4th of July! For "off-season" I have a simple boxwood wreath!

Now this is where I admit that I am a bad blogger....because AGAIN I failed to take any "before" pictures. So close your eyes and imagine...inexpensive little brown frames with pictures of a goose...or something stupid like that.

Again, a little KTSP treatment, a tiny bit of spray paint, a little inspirational quote printed on stock paper and PRESTO....

When I was at an auction last week I picked up two unfinished oak cabinet doors. Here I shared how easy it is to turn them into cute little chalkboards...perfect for a kitchen, mud room or the kid's room! 

Chalkpaint, chalkboard paint, a little cup pull to hold the chalk and again, PRESTO! 

(I even painted the cabinet doors in my garage with chalkboard paint so I have a place to write down supplies I need to pick up or projects I need to work on!)

My point? If you don't like your wall decor,  change it! Paint it, change out the mats, change out the picture. 

Make it pretty! Cuz life is too short to live with ugly wall decor! 

An old table made new!!!

A few months ago I received an email from a reader asking for a few more details on my refinishing technique. And I think she may have been looking for just a little "push!" Sometimes all a person needs is a little encouragement...and of course a good tutorial!

This tutorial for stripping old finishes is by far my favorite post and there have been many who have benefited from the information and encouragement! 

If you are like Chantelle, you may be looking at your table (or dresser or desk or heirloom cabinet) and wanting desperately to make a change. You see the potential...you just aren't sure how to get there.

Her biggest beef was the "heavy" orange finish.

The table is amazing but I agreed...the "orange" finish was pretty bad and as she noted, it really didn't go with their "new" kitchen.

But a cruddy old finish should never be a deal breaker for a solid piece of furniture with good bones....it is not a difficult thing to change with a little know-how and encouragement.

Sometimes all we need is someone to tell us YOU CAN DO IT!!!

She emailed me this week with pictures of her finished table...."The first picture shows the table how it was originally, the second picture shows how it was once I had completely stripped it and then sanded it down (you were right, it hardly needed any sanding) and the final picture shows how the table is now, after I applied my finish!"

Absolutely stunning!!!

I asked her what finish she used...

"It's called Osmo Top Oil. Really good stuff, someone left a ring mark on the worktop from a hot cup, and it just wiped straight off. Really impressive. "

Impressed I am...so I immediately started doing a little research on the product. Definitely something I will try in the future.

I am always open to new products. Just recently another reader posted a comment on this same tutorial about the use of oxalic acid to remove dark stains on raw wood. 

"....after the table was stripped, some ugly black spots remained on the top. Google told me that it was probably water damage, if water penetrates through the finishing, some woods with high tannin content (oak) can develop such spots due to a chemical reaction between the tannin and the traces of iron in the water. They can be removed with oxalic acid, and some sources advise to use distilled water to dissolve it. The guy from the specialized wood finishing shop, where I bought the acid laughed at the idea and ensured me that tap water would do. Instead of dissolving, I just sprinkled the acid (it is crystals, looks like sugar) on the spots, and then added several drops of water just to turn the crystals to paste. I wasn't sure how long it was going to take, so checked from time to time and could see how the spots were getting lighter and then completely vanished after maybe half an hour. Sorry for the long description but maybe it would be useful for some of your readers. I myself was unsure and a little bit scared that it could damage the table but it was very straightforward."

I have used numerous processes to remove dark stains on raw wood, with little success. So I immediately ordered the acid from Amazon and will give it a shot when I run across this problem again. 

I think the best advertisement for any product is the success stories of others! The processes and products I use may not necessarily be the best process or product for you, which is why I always encourage others to do their own research and use what works for YOU! 

I'll make sure I report in on my experiences with both products. Until then, if anyone else has had any experiences with these products, I sure would like your take on them. I emailed my blog-friend Cristina at Remodelandolacasa and she had not used the acid but is anxious as well to hear the results since she just recently ran into the "stain" problem on a table she refinished!

Until then.....

The secret to "empty nest" cooking....

Learning to cook as an "empty nester" has been tough for me. I am use to cooking for a "family" so now I find myself throwing away food...or eating the crock pot full of chicken chowder for three days.

No huge deal...Brian loves leftovers and I honestly don't care. But seriously, three days of the same old thing? 

I like to cook...what I don't like is the planning and shopping (and of course, wasting food!) Seriously, when I ask "What do you want for dinner?" I sincerely want to know what you want...because I'll cook anything (except liver and peas...I don't do liver and peas!) so just TELL ME WHAT YOU WANT TO EAT!!!!

So I found a solution that works for us. I'm not big on endorsing products, and I firmly believe in shopping around to find what works best for YOU! 

HomeChef meals work for us. I have three dinners automatically delivered every Wednesday and we look forward to it because we are eating flavors and foods we rarely ate before.

If you need to skip a week it is as simple as going onto the website and canceling the delivery for that week! (I did that the weeks of Thanksgiving and Christmas!)

I have said it before...if I had salt, pepper and garlic, I would be happy as a clam! But these meals are full of flavors I have rarely cooked with and they provide it all!!! The meat, veggies and all the seasonings. All you do is follow the super awesome recipe card they provide with each meal. They tell you everything you need to do from prep to plate!

For Brian and I this has been a God sent...I don't have to plan and shop for those meals and we get amazing meals perfectly proportioned! No waste! Truth be told, they are probably healthier than what I would normally cook as well.

So how does this help us?

First, financially. While the meals may seem a bit expensive ($10 each so $60 a week for 3-2 person meals) I spend far less at the grocery store AND there is no wasted food!

Second, I really think we are eating healthier. One of the great things about this service is they have meals specifically for people on gluten, sugar and other dietary restrictions. You can specify those restrictions...and since you can see your "menu" months in advance, you can always change the meals in advance! 

Third, it allows me to plan for holidays by allowing me to easily cancel a week's delivery, or even decrease or increase the number of meals!

Fourth, we are eating foods and flavors for the first time. Even if you are the worst cook, the super easy step-by-step instructions and all inclusive seasonings turn a novice into a gourmet chef! (if you need garlic, they send it...if you need cracked black pepper, they send it!) Seriously, this would be perfect for young couples just starting out who don't have the advantage of learning on the arm of a southern grandma ;) 

And lastly, it is a silly little thing Brian and I both look forward to together...OUR MEALS ARE COMING...YIPPEEE! Because every meal is something new, we look forward to cooking together and sharing something new! (Kind of like the new hip restaurant only you get to wear your pajamas!)

I still cook a crock pot full of chowder, stew or chili every weekend...and we still eat on it for two or three days! 

But those three meals a week are something we really look forward to! Not sure it would be a good option financially for a family, but it is perfect for us "empty nesters" and I think it would be ideal for a couple or even a single!

If you are cooking for two...or even just one...you might check it out. Don't snub your noise at "flavors" and foods you don't normally eat...I can honestly say in the four months we have been using the service, we have not had one bad meal! 

Try it...you might just like it!




Organizing one tiny step at a time!

This time of the year the blogs are filled with organizing tips. They are all great but man, can they be overwhelming! 

They feed into our desire to get our lives and homes in order. So I thought I would share a few TINY things I have done in each room of the house that have, in one way or another, made my life a tad simpler. Nothing major or earth shattering...just little things you can do that don't require a pickup load of storage boxes or a week of total madness in your quest to "get it right."

So I walked around my house with my camera and asked myself...what in THIS room makes my life a little easier.

First...my bedroom. Getting my bedroom the way I love it was a looooong process that I revealed here. But there is one tiny element that makes my life a little simpler....

This tiny little change to the outlet next to my bed was super simple to install (here I share how to install one!) and has made my bedtime ritual so much easier. I can still have my clock and lamp plugged in while charging my phone and Ipad.....zero hassle! 

My office...I have a ton of organizing tips for home office spaces, but my absolute favorite is simple...binders!

These are just a few I keep at my finger tips...on a shelf in my closet I also have binders for home and car insurance documents, tax returns, legal papers, etc. Since I have a business, all my receipts and invoices get tossed in a paper box each month and at the end of the year stored in the attic...just in case the IRS comes knocking! Super simple "filing" system! But the documents I need on a regular basis are kept in binders at my finger tips!

The toilet paper holder. Okay, this may seem silly but if you have ever had a puppy, kitten or toddler, you know the struggle....the daily ritual of cleaning up the toilet paper that has been "unrolled!" I discovered this little trick with my last kitten...

Install an "open ended" toilet paper holder vertically rather than horizontally. Not only does it take away the entertainment value of "unrolling" the paper it makes it super simple to replace the roll!

See, I told you these were simple little changes...

On to the laundry room. I have said time and again, I like pretty but it has to have function. One of my favorite little things to collect are the old Lane cedar boxes. Some believe they are old "sample" boxes used by Lane salesmen for their cedar chest line. Not so! They were actually little cedar boxes Lane gave away to girls when they graduated from high school to entice them to buy a large Lane cedar chest. I find them all the time at auctions and in flea markets. A quick strip with my acetone/lacquer thinner mixture and a few coats of tung oil and they are as good as new...and super pretty!

I use one to hold dryer sheets in my laundry room and I also have one on my dresser for reading glasses and such and one in my den to hold the remotes. Pretty with a purpose!

Which brings me to my kitchen. So many neat little ways I have made this space much more functional and organized, but I chose to share one of my few loves that really serve little purpose...my cutting boards....

Here and here I share how super simple it is to revive old cutting boards! Except for the one I use as a recipe holder, they really serve no purpose because I don't use wood cutting boards. But I love the warmth and whimsy they add to kitchen!

In the den a few more of my favorites "with a purpose!" When I started seeing all the "old work benches" being repurposed in the blogosphere I remembered I had my dad's old tool bench stuck back in a storage shed. I pulled it out and gave it a little makeover! It is one of the few "primitive" pieces I feature in my home. Because it was actually built and used by my dad, I LOVE it!!!

It is relatively small and doesn't take up a lot of space and serves as a perfect little side table next to the lounge chair in the den! 

Coffins...again, morbid sounding, I know. But they aren't REALLY coffins, that is just what they are called! I have several and I use them for storing fire wood, photo albums and books!

Another super simple "makeover" project that yields "pretty with a purpose!"

I did manage one major "purge" this year...partially out of necessity. When I redid my entry this year I created a dust bowl that forced me to remove a 30 year collection of hardback books for cleaning and I decided it was time to finally let go! Over 150 books found a new home and my bookcases finally found room to breath! 

I kept the collections of two of my favorite authors but the rest were boxed up and given to a friend.

Truthfully, I haven't missed them and now I think twice before spending money on another hardback. I still read, I just don't "buy to have"...I buy paperbacks I can leave for others or I download them on my Kindle. 

I will say that getting rid of clutter, a real heart wrenching purge and declutter, is ESSENTIAL to making your house a home. Maybe one or all of these tips will make that process a little easier!

Happy New Year!!!

This weekend we put another year in the books and begin a new one! 

I love when bloggers post their "favorite" projects of the year but for me it's a toss. Every project is a "favorite" because I love doing what I do and I learn something new every time I pick up a tool or a paint brush. So feel free to look around in my archives and find your favorite...and hopefully some inspiration! After all, that is why I share...to inspire and motivate! 

We had another wonderful Christmas...Mitchell couldn't make it home which always makes me sad. But this year we added two new members to the celebration. 

The first is our soon to be daughter-in-law! Taylor and Brandon will be married in Hawaii this summer (yes, we are going...yippeee!) so we let her sneak into the annual family photo. I told her if the wedding didn't happen I would have to "photoshop" her out...lol! Truth is, she is precious and a wonderful addition to our family and I expect her to be in our holiday photos in the future! 

The second? Well, as I have mentioned, I have quite a few "feral kitties" at my apartments and over the years several have made their way home with me. A few weeks ago a very friendly and tame kitty hopped in my car and seemed more than happy to come home with me. Seriously, what choice did I have? He obviously wasn't a "feral" kitty but he has been around for months and I can only assume he was abandoned. Naturally, I couldn't just bring it home...after all, he could be diseased or sick...and he obviously wasn't neutered. So we stopped off at the vet's, had a few tests run, got a bunch of shots and of course, neutered. 

Brian was not the least bit happy with the idea of "fostering" a kitty...after all, we already have four and that is a few too many as it is! But "Mr. Jinx" really is a precious kitty. The vet agreed that if he isn't full "Maine Coon," he definitely has some in him. Beautiful, precious personality (reminds me of my Molly!) and HUGE! Seriously, he is a big cat! 

So for now, he is the newest member of the family...until I am forced, kicking and screaming, to "rehome" him. But in my opinion, he is right at home here!

Today all the Christmas decor, except the tree, will be boxed and put into storage. Makes me sad...and the house just looks so "blank." 

Oh well...the wheels are already turning. Lots of projects in the garage and I'm sure I will find something in the house to tear up this year! 

Stay tuned...you never know what I might decide to "learn" this year...until then have a very safe and HAPPY NEW YEAR!