The playroom makeover...

I shared HERE a few little changes in the room I am working on for the littles!

Eventually I may add a built in daybed with shelving but for now I just need a cute little bookcase where I can store toys and books.

I found THIS one on Amazon….

It’s cute as a bug’s ear but it was a tad to big for the space so I decided to build something.

I sat down and designed what I wanted, then worked up the cost.

Then lighbulb moment…I already had a bookshelf. It wasn’t the EXACT size I wanted but close enough…it just needed a little tweeking!

I thought I might like a painted shelf, but didn’t really want red…I am trying to keep all the colors in this room fairly neutral.

I bought this bookshelf at an auction a bazillion years ago. I remembered it was cherry wood so I decided to strip all the paint off the exterior and expose the natural wood.

I used THIS process. I can assure you that this is the simplest and best way to strip any finish from any piece of furniture.

Once you use the chemicals process, the need to sand is minimal.

I removed the existing top and since my plan was to add a “roof top,” I added 45 degree beveled boards on each side….

As you can see I did not strip the inside.

I liked the raw wood look so well I just sealed the exterior with three coats of polyacrylic.

If you have been around a while you know I usually prefer an oil finish…but this is a bookshelf in a kid’s playroom, so whatevs!

Now it was time to doll it up a bit.

I decided to add a little “pitched roof” with a scalloped fascia…bear with me.

So first I took two 1x3s and put a 45 degree cut on one end of each…laid them out and used a large can to draw a scallop design…

I cut the scallop design with a jig saw, used a router to round off the other edge, then sanded it all down smooth.

I took a piece of 1/2” plywood and cut two boards the width of the base cabinet (12 3/4”) and 24” long. I used my skill saw to cut a 45 degree edge on one end of each piece. I also took a piece of 1x3” and put a 45 degree edge on each side.

I used glue and nails to join the two pieces of plywood, using the 1x3” as a center support.

After the “roof” was constructed, I added the scalloped fascia with glue and a few nails. Then I applied glue to the beveled edges on the top and just sat the new “roof’ onto the base shelf….

As you can see I used a piece of outside corner trim to edge the ends of the top and cap the peek. Just to dress it a bit…nothing structural.

Again, I just sanded and coated with 2-3 coats of polycrylic.

I wanted to add a little storage on the side like my inspiration piece so I built a little shelf and attached it to the side with glue and screws….

I also found THESE cute little shelves on Amazon…added them to a small wall next to the closet for just a little more book storage…

Next week I will share the rest of the room.

Nothing earth shattering but a great space for the littles to do whatever littles do!

Until then….

Where in the world have I been?

I can’t even believe I have not posted since February. Seems like so much has been going on…baby showers, trips, projects…so much!

When last I posted THREE MONTHS AGO I was working on this project…hiding the wart!

I started out by building a “screen” around the “wart.” My original plan was to lay the flagstone first, then build the screen. Honestly, building the screen first worked out much better!

I decided to go with the “louver” look (see HERE for a link to a really good tutorial) so I built two inserts to go between the post I set. They have to be removable so we can service the generator once a year. Built the inserts then attached them to the post with carriage bolts. Threw down a few inches of sand and thats where I left off for a few months….

I needed to give the sand a little time to “level” and pack down…and I also had to get ready for a very special day for my very special son and daughter-in-law! Their baby shower….

Again I was honored to make their cake and desserts…so much fun.

Then it was off for our spring vacation. Brian had to attend a conference in Vegas so I flew to Vegas the last day of his conference, we rented a car and toured the five national parks and one state park in souther Utah. Again, I am not a travel blogger….but if you have never seen these AMAZING National Parks…just go! They will take your breath away!

I can assure you that no photo I took…or have ever seen…does them justice.

Then home for a ton of projects.

Refinishing an antique dresser for the nursery….

I used THIS process and I promise it is hands down the best process for refinishing any piece of furniture…regardless of the existing finish!

I built new shelving in my workshop…..

Not as fancy as some I have seen on the webisphere but functional for my purposes!

I finally laid flagstone around the wart screen and now I am waiting a few months to stain the screen black to match the pergola swing….

New drawers for under the bar storage cabinets. …

I have no idea why I didn’t have my cabinet guy do this when he built these cabinets. I store all my seasonal dishes and service ware under here and it really was a pain to have to shuffle things around to get to the stuff in the back. LOVE!!!!

Now that the weather is warming, I have been planting…nothing new except I decided the flower bed I added last year wasn’t big enough…so I am making it bigger!

I have moved the edging out, weedeated all the existing grass down to the nub, sprayed it with Round Up and next week I will fill it with compost and mulch. I already have a few plants in mind for this space but honestly I need some space to split hostas again next year!

While I wait for grass to die, this is the next project I am contemplating..

A screen around these gawd awful utility things. They have bugged me since day one and with the addition of the “wart controls” to the right, it has gotten worse.

My “plan” is to build a box kinda thing around them and face it out with hinged doors so that it can all be accessed if needed. I want to build it out of treated wood then stain it black to match the swing and the wart screen.

That’s the plan…we will see.

As you can see, it is never ending! Unfortunately, as I have said many times, I am a baaaad blogger. I rarely think of what I do as being “content worthy.” But hopefully the changes I make will inspire you to roll up your sleeves and make changes to your home.

I don’t do good tutorials but there are TONS out there on the blogesphere…anything you want to learn to do can be found on the web!

As I have said before…my daddy didn’t teach me how to build a wart screen, or build cabinet drawers, or bake a cake….what he taught me is how to figure out how to do something I want done.

Will you make mistakes….ABSOLUTELY! I still do and I have been doing this stuff for a lifetime!


Because until you are willing to roll up your sleeves and dive into whatever you think you want to try or change in your life, you will never be able to ….

The wardrobe reveal....

Last week I shared the wardrobe cabinet I planned to refinish and convert to a display cabinet….HERE.

Definitely lacking in soooo may respects. But I had a pretty good idea of what I wanted to do with it.

These “inspiration” pictures have been on my computer for over a year, just waiting on the perfect piece to transform!

The last one is probably my favorite…a Pinterest find. It was the one that influenced me the most, as you will see.

So the plan…remove the panels in the door and add glass. Remove all the shelves and add glass shelving. Lighten the back of the inside. Strip the doors and drawers and apply tung oil. Paint the rest of the outside of the cabinet black. Replace the hardware. Add a light.

So of course the first step is to deconstruct and then begin the stripping process on the doors, drawers and inside back panel.

What a chore!!!! I think someone, at some point, had applied at least 20 coats of poly. The 1/2 acetone, 1/2 lacquer thinner process I shared HERE, wasn’t cutting it. I applied Citristrip and wrapped everything in plastic wrap…that seemed to do the trick for 80% of the finish…then I was able to sand off the rest since this was mostly solid, then clean it up with the 1/2 and 1/2 mixture. Remember, you don’t want to vigorously sand veneer because it can be super thin and you can end up sanding right through it. I started with an 80 grit then finished with a 220 grit. Then I hand sanded it with 220 to get it butter smooth.

I knew this piece was old (which is why I know the poly was NOT the original finish) and that was confirmed when I checked out the underside of one of the drawers.

It was signed and dated…most likely by the person who constructed it…August 11, 1914…wow!

The other thing I discovered was the mortise and tenon peg joint. So super cool. Normally drawers are constructed using dovetail joints. This was unusual to find, but probably not unusual for the times.

I removed the doors to make it easier to work on the inside as well as make it easier to strip them. Remember to ALWAYS reenforce screw holes when you remove the screws. Not hard at all. Just take a match stick, dip it in wood glue, then insert the stick in the hole and break it off.

This will ensure that when you go to reinsert the screw, it won’t be loose or “wonky.”

I stripped the inside back panel then sanded it down. I tried lightening it with oxalic acid but it still seemed a tad to dark and a bit yellow. So I ended up applying a whitewash. Just a little white paint mixed with water, brush it on, wipe it off…like a stain. I can still see the character and grain of the wood but it lightens the interior considerably.

There was a tiny bit of veneer on the base of the cabinet and one side was in pretty rough shape. My original plan was to remove all the old veneer and apply a new piece. I planned to paint the outside of the cabinet so it didn’t matter that it would be different than the other side.

Problem was, when I went to remove the loose veneer, some of it was SUPER stuck…as in it was NOT coming off.

Soooo, punt.

I scraped off all that I could then I used wood filler to get a smooth surface.

This picture is after the 1st coat.

The whole process took a lot of time and patience. Fill, let it dry, sand…apply some more, let it dry, sand. It probably took 3-4 applications to get the side perfectly smooth and ready for paint.

REMEMBER, paint will NOT cover poorly patched or repaired areas…if anything it will highlight it. So take your time and do it right!

After patching, puttying and caulking, I primed the entire outside of the cabinet with primer, sanded it smooth with 220 grit paper and then wiped it down with a tack cloth.

I then spay painted it with a flat black paint. Remember, light coats…2-3.

The paint I used SAID it was primer and paint in one. As you may know, I do not trust that and will ALWAYS apply a good primer before paint…always.

I stripped the drawers and doors (using this process) and I used my new favorite tung oil finish to seal them.

I added new shelving support using some leftover walnut I had from my office feature wall project. I wanted good solid support since it would be holding glass shelves and china…glue and nails!

(This is solid natural walnut…no stain…just an oil finish!)

I moved it in the house before I added the glass or hung the doors…just made it lighter and easier to move…okay, RELATIVELY easy…this sucker is big!

So, my original plan was to put it in my office. But it covered too much of the feature wall I worked so hard on. I moved the Drexel server into the office and put this cabinet in the dining room.

The final touch was the hardware. My original plan was to find some simple tear drop hardware. While looking, I found these precious little ginko leaf designs on Etsy.

Back story…years ago when my kids were little we lived in a house that had a HUGE old ginko in the court yard. I have the loved these trees ever since. Kind of quirky but with a story.

I added a LED light inside the cabinet…simple!

Now I have a place to display more of our family china.

Rather than fill it with all the china I have stored away I selected a few serving pieces of each set. I like to use antique books as risers so I picked a few up at a local flea market.

The only things I purchased were the candle lantern and a fake plant. I know, fake plants are suppose to be “faux pas” these days…I don’t care…I can’t keep a real one alive and it looks lovely.

I love to decorate this room for every holiday so I can’t wait to doll this piece up for fall in a month or so…then Christmas.

I think it will be just stunning!

Another Drexel server....

Several years ago I shared a Drexel server I repurposed for my dining room

The “breakfast room” in our new house is almost identical to our old dining room.

Including the Drexel server.

I love it…it is one of my favorite pieces.

So when I spied ANOTHER Drexel server on Marketplace I could not help myself.

As I have mentioned, I have pretty much retired from the whole repurpose/upcycle/refinish business. My hands and back just can’t take all the work that goes into refinishing pieces on the scale I have in the past.

I have refinished a few doozies…just looking back at all the pieces I have shared on this blog blows my mind. There were some pretty nasty pieces that were beautifully refinished and restored and readied for another life-time of love!

When I saw this piece I couldn’t help myself. I had to have it and I wanted desperately to work a little magic on it.

Here is my plan…MAYBE I can discipline myself enough to pick up just one piece at a time, refinish it, sell it, then pick up another…just one at a time. Just one dresser/buffet/nightstand at a time.

Hum…I’m a pretty “self-disciplined” person so I am going to start with this one.

One week into this plan…I have failed. Last week I picked up ANOTHER piece that needs a little TLC….a pretty beat up china hutch.

I have these creative juices in me that have just been screaming for a project.

So, “the plan” ….specifically for the vintage Drexel piece. Strip and oil the drawer and door fronts using THIS process. Shine up the brass hardware….no secret there, just lots of Brasso, steel wool and elbow grease. Prime and paint the “cabinet” a high gloss black lacquer.

For the china hutch…I went to Etsy for inspiration and looked around. There are some beautiful china hutches that have been painted black with the insides painted white…LOVE them.

I THINK that is what I want to do. Sometimes the process takes on a life of its own and I find myself drifting in another direction. We will see.

Right now they are sitting in my AMAZING shop. I was in there last week rearranging everything so I will MAYBE have room to make some kind of paint booth. The shop has electricity and I can easily heat and cool it for temperature control but just not sure I will have enough room since we do use it for mower/yard equipment storage as well.

I can’t wait…this is a “job” that doesn’t really pay well, but it is one I do love.

The fireplace makeover...Part 2...Airstone Faux rock.

The stone work is done….

…and I love it.

I highly recommend the Airstone product. At least as far as installation. It is a relatively easy product to install. Lightweight and exceptionally natural looking.

When we fire up the fireplace in a few months I will let you know how it holds up to heat.

This stone product would work well for a kitchen backsplash, fireplace face or a covered porch area. It SAYS you can use it for exterior application…I can’t attest to that since I did not use it outside.

I think this is a relatively easy DIY project.If you choose to install this product find a tutorial that works for you. More importantly though, FOLLOW THE DIRECTIONS!!!!

I do have a few tips.

Start at the top. Then the sides…them the bottom. That may seem backwards, but it is the way to do it. Start at the top by adding a temporary level brace….I just used some scrap 1x4. I let that dry over night, then did the same on each side, then the bottom. The Airstone mastic sets up fairly quickly.


I used pennies as spacers between the floor and the stone. I do this because wood swells and moves and you don’t want the rock sitting on something that has movement. Same would apply if you were using it as a backsplash…don’t set any wall product (faux rock, tile, marble, etc) directly on a top or floor.

Use a tile saw to cut it. I have a wet saw so if you do not, rent one. Makes easy, precise work of tricky cuts.

Pay attention to how to apply the mastic…it’s like frosting a cupcake, not buttering toast.

The tub of mastic specific for the faux stone SAYS it does 30 s.f….it does not. Maybe I “iced” to thickly but I would suggest buying more than you think you will need…you can always return it.

Layout the rock on a template or floor before applying it on the wall and number each piece so you know how to property transfer it to the wall. Also, make sure you pull from different boxes…mix it up. Each box has several different “colors” and “textures”and each box may come from a different run…so you want to make sure you mix it up!

I used the “edge” pieces around the face of the fire box…I think it looks neat.


I should have wrapped it around the entire bump out. I would have loved to take it to the ceiling. I am still debating on adding a hearth.

But the “coulda, shoulda, woulda” is always a brain worm until the project is finished.

I didn’t want to take it to the ceiling because I don’t want to remove the crown then have to paint the entire ceiling. I don’t think I want to add a hearth because this is a small space and I don’t want to crowd the space. I didn’t wrap it around the entire wall because, well, I just didn’t.

Hopefully when I get the mantle on, it will all come together.

So the mantel. I think I thought I knew what I wanted but now I not so sure.

My plan is to make a beautiful walnut mantel…smooth…perfect grain…low sheen. Now I am debating on a more “rustic” look with a lighter finish.

What to do, what to do.

As usual, I have searched Pinterest and found dozens of looks…I like them all!

This house style really does not lend itself to that “farmhouse/rustic” look so I think I am going to go with a more smooth, low sheen look. Sometimes you have to “read the room” when making decor decisions.

I bought some walnut boards (dang that stuff is expensive!) and specifically picked pieces with lots of grain and a few shallow knots. Just a smidge rustic but still the beauty of walnut. I know if I apply Waterlox (like I did here with my kitchen cabinets) it will have a dark finish. And I think I am okay with that. The stone is light and I think the dark walnut will be a nice contrast.

Now I am just waiting on my son to have a day we can work on his table saw. I shared HERE about my phobia of table saws. I bought him one for Christmas last year so I have one available and have a “saw buddy.”

Hopefully next week I will have a beautiful new fireplace to share!

Coffee Bar...


When I looked to Pinterest for inspiration for a coffee bar I realized that there are some super serious coffee connoisseurs out there. I just wanted a nice organized place for a few coffee necessities.

My stove top area in the kitchen is a bit tight for a “coffee station”…


…but we managed because I have TONS of prep space on my island. Regardless, I wasn’t happy with having my coffee maker in this area….and I didn’t want to have a full sized coffee pot taking up even more space so we would have to remake coffee all morning in our little 4 cup maker.

I decided to utilize a corner of the counter top in the laundry room for a “coffee station.”


Even though we make coffee every morning, the distance from the kitchen trash can and water source was almost equal so it really was no biggy to put it in there vs. on the kitchen counter.

Right now I am on a quest to use up some of the wood and materials I have accumulated over the years. It would have been real easy to go out and buy new materials to make shelves but I decided to get resourceful.

When I remodeled Katie’s room eons ago I removed the black floating shelves she used as her makeup station….

(Man my photo skills sucked!!!!)

(Man my photo skills sucked!!!!)

I’ve kicked those things around for YEARS thinking I would eventually use them.

They weren’t the size I wanted for my “coffee station” and not even the style. But I decided I would try to make them work.

The first thing I did was cut them down. Not difficult since they are constructed out of fake wood and cardboard. I did have to take a metal grinder to one of the metal support brackets to make it shorter, but that was seriously no biggy.

I did add some wood support inside the corners of the cut down shelves because my next step was to clad them in wood.

I had some leftover “bead board planks” from another project…similar to this…

…so I used that to clad the tops and bottoms of the shelves (just glue and a few nails). Then I used some 1”x3” pine boards I had for the fronts and sides. A little stain…a little polycrylic to seal.


Repurposed floating shelves…they didn’t cost me a dime because I used scrap materials I had on hand.

My goal was “rustic” shelving…I think I accomplished that.

I did purchase a few new canisters…one for coffee, decaf, and cocoa.

The old silver tureen has held my filters for years…love it.


I found this cute little office supply thingy…originally labeled for paperclips, rubberbands, erasers, stamps etc.


I decided it would be perfect for all the different sweeteners my family insists on…God forbid they use the one I use. I relabeled each space for my purposes.

A fake plant. (BTW I keep reading fake plants are a decor faux pas…ask me if I care!)

We did purchase a larger coffee pot.

Again, this space is right off the kitchen so it really isn’t a bother. I like that it freed up a little bit of kitchen counter space.

I would like to add that 1) I now have a HUGE laundry room and 2) it is just Brian and me so rarely are there piles of laundry demanding my attention. I can see where some may not have the room or desire to use the laundry room for this purpose! But for us, it worked out perfectly.

I am a HUGE proponent of looking to Pinterest for inspiration…but sometimes we get a little intimidated by what we see online and forget we don’t NEED all that froo-froo or even have the space for it….


Don’t get me wrong…I think these spaces are amazing…but for YOU are they realistic? Hopefully my tiny little corner will inspire you to “think outside the box” if you need to create a space. Know that you don’t need a huge space for a basic coffee bar if you just need a place for a few basics.


Making a table or bench top...

One tool I wanted for years was a “biscuit joiner.”

Screen Shot 2021-08-11 at 4.43.53 AM.png

One of the many things I love about my kids….when I ask for a specific tool for Chirstmas/birthday/Mom’s Day, they listen. So several years ago I got a biscuit joiner for Christmas!

This little tool has allowed me to make a few things I otherwise wouldn’t have been able to make. It allows me to join together several boards to make a larger board. A necessity if you want to make benches or table tops.

Let me give you a few examples….

The first was this bench….

I was able to join together the three 1”x6” boards and the ends to make a strong top.

Brandon and Taylor wanted a plain pine table and bench for their new house. I guess they could have spent a fortune like we did for a custom made table but that isn’t really an option for a young couple.

So we went to Lowes, picked out some straight, nice boards with good grain and used the biscuit joiner, glue and clamps to create a table top and bench top.


After some serious construction, a LOT of sanding, a polycrylic clear coat, and some nifty bases, they have an AMAZING table and bench!


Last year I went looking for some shelving…I found one I absolutely LOVE. It was from the same company that built our dining table so I knew the quality would be amazing….but the price tag was just a tad too steep!

I love everything about this shelving unit….the look, the style, the quality.

So I went looking for a less expensive option. I found one I thought was okay on Overstock.

Waaaay less expensive…and for obvious reasons. The frame is metal vs welded steel and the shelving material is MDF vs. beefy solid wood.

The look and style is very similar…almost identical sizing…but the MDF shelving HAD to go. I knew immediately I wanted to replace them with solid walnut.

It has only taken five months to get around to this project.

The biscuit joiner was a life saver.

Walnut is a pretty expensive wood…and finding pieces wide enough for the needed 12” shelving was pretty much impossible (without a serious outlay of cash.) What I did find were 7”ish board we ran through my son’s table saw and joined together….


Using a biscuit joiner is NOT difficult…just take your time and follow the directions.

One little trick I did learn was how to mark the joints so they lined up perfectly. Just put your two boards together then run a mark across the joint….


Then just line the joiner up with the mark and plunge away…the joints will line up perfectly!

Always dry fit everything to make sure it all lines up perfectly before you apply glue….

Apply glue and clamp….


Joiners are NOT difficult to use. Just follow the directions and watch lots of YouTube tutorials.

I sanded each piece with 220 grit sand paper, tack cloth and sealer.

I used Waterlox as a sealer…no stain…same stuff I used on my kitchen cabinets and I have been extremely pleased with it!













I was able to take a shelving unit fit for a dorm room and turn it into a beautiful accent piece!


Master bedroom reveal....

When we moved into this house in September we basically moved our old bedroom into this new house. Nice fit, but zero thought put into the “design” of the room…I basically just put furniture on the floor and a few pictures on the walls.

A few weeks ago my daughter sent me a picture of a well designed bedroom similar to ours.


That’s when I realized our current master bedroom has ZERO “design character.” I hadn’t even taken the time to paint all the trim the “new” white.


Twenty year old lamps, white and brass paddle fan, stacks of pillows in bleach spotted pillow cases, no curtains, scuffed and dinged furniture, clutter…


The picture was perfect inspiration! The push I needed to work this space to it’s potential.

So last week my goal was to to tackle the room. Paint the trim and furniture, new curtains, throw pillows, a few little touches here and there, and declutter.

I painted my bedroom furniture (HERE) almost 7 years ago and while I still love the pieces, they have gotten quite dingy looking. Remember, whites yellow over time and of course there are chips and scratches from normal wear and tear. So it was time to give them a little paint refresher! And the side table tops…holy crud they have gotten nasty. So it was time to strip and restain the tops as well.

Of course the little “room refresh” became a three day chore!

In the end, worth every minute.

New curtains (I still need to hem them), a little wall art and a plant and new throw pillows.


I stuck with my tried and true white bedspread…with a big dirty dog I need something I can bleach every week. It covers a down comforter in the cold months.

I have always loved the larger throw pillows in the guest room so I bought new for that room and put the guest pillows on our bed.


(The giraffes? They were made in Africa from the root of a tree…they are Brian’s…they are different…what can I say!)

I painted the high boy and bedside tables and stripped and restained the tops of the bedside tables. ..the dark java stain has pretty much run its course. New lamps (finally!!!)

I love the look of chandeliers in bedrooms but as I have said before, I HAVE to have a paddle fan above the bed. Brandon gave us a paddle fan he took out of his house and it worked perfectly in our room.

Decluttering is always a must in any room makeover so a lot of stuff was put away.

One thing I loved in the inspiration room picture was the bed bench. My trunk belonged to my grandparents so it has to stay. You can still see my granddad’s name stenciled on the side.

I love the basket and pillows on their bench but our big dog uses this trunk as a spring board so that wouldn’t have worked out well. Sometimes you have to change up a plan to fit YOUR life-style (a.k.a. accommodate animals and kids!)

I still want to do more on the “tv side” of the room. I repainted and stripped and stained the top of THIS little side table…

Maybe add a plant…a little more wall art….a wall leaning mirror.


It only took me a few decades to style the master bedroom in my last house so again, already working at warp speed here.

My next big project are the master bathroom (reveal HERE) windows…

Oh, it’s happening. I cut big holes in the wall to kind of “force the issue.” Windows are on order and the brick guy is on call.

This was the one thing I neglected to do, and my BIGGEST regret, when I remodeled this house…no operable windows in the master bath. I know from my last house that an operable window in the bathroom is a must. I have ordered two casement windows (the kind that crank out) and hope to have them by the end of the month. I have some plumbing to move (WHY IS NOTHING EASY!!!) and framing to do. These windows will look out at the large flower garden out back…I CAN’T WAIT!!!!

Wait I will though…it has been warm enough to plant a few larger perennials like azaleas and Kimberly ferns, but the threat of a freeze until mid-April prevents me from going all out with the annuals. So I sit…and wait…patiently. Okay, not so patient, but I learned the hard way not to rush the early spring planting! Pay attention to your “last freeze date”….then add a few weeks. Ours is the middle of April, but a few years ago it snowed the first week of May!

Until next week…

Guest bath makeover....

I’m trying to complete a few small projects…a few weeks ago it was my laundry room.

This past week it was my guest bath.

The guest bath is right across the hall from the laundry room…since I painted the laundry room a pretty “sagey green” I decided to tone down the blue in the guest bath. While I was at it, I decided to change out the counter top and backsplash.

I installed a glass vessel sink, a super awesome faucet and new lighting when I gave the room a little makeover a few years ago (probably a decade ago!) and I still love them so I didn’t need new ones.

(My dismal attempt to photograph dark cabinets with no natural light!)

The wall decor over the toilet had yellowed a tad because I sealed it with poly. (Yes, poly yellows…to avoid, use polycrylic or a clear coat sealant)

My “plan” was to paint the walls and trim, change out the top and backsplash, strip the cabinet and mirror frame for a “lighter” wood stain and repaint the wall decor.

After painting the room a lighter color and installing a lighter top (white quartz) and white backsplash and lightening the wall decor with a fresh coat of white chalk paint, I decided to stick with the vanity cabinet and mirror “as is” for the time being. I had stained the vanity “java” with gel stain years ago and I think it looks fine (but impossible to photograph!)…the mirror has a “java” stain finish, so it coordinates well with the vanity.

Just these few easy changes made a huge difference…the paint really lightened and brightened it.

Still love the Devoe prints I added two years ago!

One of my favorite little projects…a TP cubby! Super simple!

Fresh white chalk paint with a tiny bit of distressing…this time I sealed it with a clear coat so hopefully it won’t yellow again!

I would like to mention my trim paint…I painted it the same color as ALL the trim in my house. White would have been great but I decided to stick with the color of the trim throughout the house…just my personal preference.


A must when you want to change a room! Whether you paint the walls or furniture, JUST DO IT! Paint is relatively cheap (only took 1/2 a gallon for this room) and if you don’t like it, you can always change it!

I love this little makeover. I have been coveting white quartz for my kitchen tops and this tiny bit has REALLY stoked the fire.

Who knows….

Another family heirloom...a desk makeover.

As I have mentioned a bazillion times I am all about family heirlooms.

So when my mother offered me “dad’s desk” I didn’t hesitate…even though I have absolutely no use or room for it.

If I remember the story right my dad built this desk when he was 12…he would have been 79 this year…that makes the desk 67 years old…something my dad made when he was a boy….yes, I want it!

Fortunately my son Matt loves family heirlooms as well and since he just moved into a larger home, he has the space and need.

The desk was sporting green. I THINK it is green because at some point I did have it and I painted it green for Matt’s room. When the boys were younger everything in Mitchell’s room was blue and everything in Matt’s was green!

I guess at some point I gave it back to Mom.

Originally the desk would probably have been stained. I remember a time in the 70s when it was red. Then there was the “mauve” phase in the 80s. In other words, I knew there were at LEAST four layers of finish on it!

My original plan was to strip it down to bare wood and stain it.

What is the old saying about “best laid plans….” Yeah…that wasn’t happening.

There was the green…then the mauve…something white I suspect is a primer that was painted over the red…the red was painted over the original finish…whatever that may have been

I used every trick in my arsenal and still could NOT get all the paint off. Industrial stripper, my 1/2 and 1/2 mixture and even sanding.

One thing I will say about both my dad and I…when we do something, we do it to last!

After a few days of stripping and sanding I was able to get all the paint off the top but finally gave up on the rest of it…it wasn’t happening without doing serious damage to the wood itself.

I decided to stain the top and paint the base.

I sanded everything as smoothly as possible, primed it, sanded again, rubbed it down with tack cloth then painted it with a white enamel.

I stained the top with a java stain and sealed it with poly.

It is not exactly what I wanted but Matt and I both love the way it turned out. Right now he is using it as a tv stand in his den.

I was only able to snap a quick picture with my phone but as you can see, it turned out pretty cute.

We are in the process of making some major changes in his new house…new flooring, paint, shelving, etc.

Our plan is to eventually makes some major changes to his kitchen and den and when we do, hopefully I can get some good, staged pictures!

Until then I just wanted to share what one can do with older pieces…and also show that even we “old pros” get stumped occasionally…and when we do, we just drop back and punt!