Where in the world have I been?

I can’t even believe I have not posted since February. Seems like so much has been going on…baby showers, trips, projects…so much!

When last I posted THREE MONTHS AGO I was working on this project…hiding the wart!

I started out by building a “screen” around the “wart.” My original plan was to lay the flagstone first, then build the screen. Honestly, building the screen first worked out much better!

I decided to go with the “louver” look (see HERE for a link to a really good tutorial) so I built two inserts to go between the post I set. They have to be removable so we can service the generator once a year. Built the inserts then attached them to the post with carriage bolts. Threw down a few inches of sand and thats where I left off for a few months….

I needed to give the sand a little time to “level” and pack down…and I also had to get ready for a very special day for my very special son and daughter-in-law! Their baby shower….

Again I was honored to make their cake and desserts…so much fun.

Then it was off for our spring vacation. Brian had to attend a conference in Vegas so I flew to Vegas the last day of his conference, we rented a car and toured the five national parks and one state park in souther Utah. Again, I am not a travel blogger….but if you have never seen these AMAZING National Parks…just go! They will take your breath away!

I can assure you that no photo I took…or have ever seen…does them justice.

Then home for a ton of projects.

Refinishing an antique dresser for the nursery….

I used THIS process and I promise it is hands down the best process for refinishing any piece of furniture…regardless of the existing finish!

I built new shelving in my workshop…..

Not as fancy as some I have seen on the webisphere but functional for my purposes!

I finally laid flagstone around the wart screen and now I am waiting a few months to stain the screen black to match the pergola swing….

New drawers for under the bar storage cabinets. …

I have no idea why I didn’t have my cabinet guy do this when he built these cabinets. I store all my seasonal dishes and service ware under here and it really was a pain to have to shuffle things around to get to the stuff in the back. LOVE!!!!

Now that the weather is warming, I have been planting…nothing new except I decided the flower bed I added last year wasn’t big enough…so I am making it bigger!

I have moved the edging out, weedeated all the existing grass down to the nub, sprayed it with Round Up and next week I will fill it with compost and mulch. I already have a few plants in mind for this space but honestly I need some space to split hostas again next year!

While I wait for grass to die, this is the next project I am contemplating..

A screen around these gawd awful utility things. They have bugged me since day one and with the addition of the “wart controls” to the right, it has gotten worse.

My “plan” is to build a box kinda thing around them and face it out with hinged doors so that it can all be accessed if needed. I want to build it out of treated wood then stain it black to match the swing and the wart screen.

That’s the plan…we will see.

As you can see, it is never ending! Unfortunately, as I have said many times, I am a baaaad blogger. I rarely think of what I do as being “content worthy.” But hopefully the changes I make will inspire you to roll up your sleeves and make changes to your home.

I don’t do good tutorials but there are TONS out there on the blogesphere…anything you want to learn to do can be found on the web!

As I have said before…my daddy didn’t teach me how to build a wart screen, or build cabinet drawers, or bake a cake….what he taught me is how to figure out how to do something I want done.

Will you make mistakes….ABSOLUTELY! I still do and I have been doing this stuff for a lifetime!


Because until you are willing to roll up your sleeves and dive into whatever you think you want to try or change in your life, you will never be able to ….

Where have I been?

I know…I have been MIA for over a month.

When I first started this blog, I posted every day. That was just too difficult so I started posting twice a week. That was even taxing so I started posting once a week.

And now here we are…over a month later.

Truth be told, the holidays are a super busy time for me.

All the decorating, baking, entertaining.

And of course the sitting and staring at the Christmas tree. I do that A LOT. The season is just so short since I have a hard fast rule to NOT decorate for Christmas until after Thanksgiving…I want to soak it all in.

I get up every morning and turn on all the Christmas lights and they stay on until I go to bed. I don’t even want to tell you what my electric bill is that month…wowza!

This year I added ANOTHER decorated tree in my bedroom…I’ll have to share that next year. I featured my new black and white tree in my office HERE . Now I am one step closer to having my dream of having a decorated Christmas tree in every room. Upside…it is AMAZING…down side….what a chore to take it all down!

The MOST WONDERFUL TIME OF THE YEAR is in the books and time to move into the new year.

First up…a baby shower for my daughter in law.

Everything was beautiful and of course hosting this special event gave me a reason to do a super deep clean on my house.


Now on to something that has been bugging me for several months.

The living room rug.

I bought a new rug before Christmas. I loved the old rug….

But after a few years and a puppy, it was ready to go. Rolled it up and hauled it to the trash can.

I tried a holiday Ruggable rug in my entry this year….

…I loved this rug…very durable and at the end of the season I picked it up and threw it in the washing machine! Sweet!

So I decided to try a washable rug in my living room. I couldn’t find one I liked on Ruggable so I checked out Tumble, another washable rug.

I found one I thought I liked, ordered it and put it down.

I didn’t even take pictures of it because I knew the minute I rolled it out it was all wrong!

Do you ever have one of those “design choices” that you get all done, stand back and go ICK!?

Yeah…that was my reaction to this rug!

It is a beautiful rug. And with 3 cats and 2 dogs, and a slew of granddoggies, I love the fact that I can pick it up and throw it in the washing machine.

But it just didn’t work.

The problem was the color…the rug is what I call a “cool” color and everything in my living room is “warm.”

I don’t have a problem mixing “cool” and “warm” decor….if it is done right.

But this just wasn’t right. All this rug did was make my couch look dingy and dirty…and it is not either.

Sooooooo…..what to do, what to do?

First, I do what I always do…I let it be for awhile. I live with it.

A few weeks later…I still dislike it immensely.

I couldn’t send it back because I had “let it be” for a few months and by then…well, life. Rolled it up, tore the bed apart and put it down in my bedroom.

I’m not swooning over it but I’m not growling at it every time I walk through the room… (yes, it looks lavender…but it is actually kind of a taupy/grey/blue kinda color…which makes it appear lavender)

So now I had to find a new living room rug…OH MY GOSH!!!! I can do a lot of things but choose a rug is not something I do well.

I went to 6 different stores…found a few I loved but not enough to justify the price. I know me…in a year I will tire of it and I will want something different. Rugs and pillows are something that is easy to change so I try to keep the cost on those in the reasonable range.

A $3000 rug in a house full of critters and traffic is probably not reasonable.

Finally settled on a new rug…

Meh…again, not swooning but …. (again, it APPEARS browninsh but it is more of a warm grey/copper/blueish color)

So, on to the new year.

So far I only have a few projects online.

A “mudroom” bench and storage for my daughter-in-law’s sister.

She found her inspiration…..

I took measurements, I drew up a plan, and made a material list.

We were going to start that project this week but we got 5” of snow Tuesday so that got pushed to next week.

Definite share when I get it done!

My neighbor wants to redo her pantry like I did mine (shared HERE). She has some family obligations for the next few weeks, so that is on hold.

We are only a few months away from potting, mulching and planting! But as I said, snow…and cold…sooooo….

So I am doing what I always do in January and February….I am hibernating.

I need these few weeks to decompress…and breath!