Pretty in pink....and a little zebra....

Earlier I posted this "before" picture of a little dresser I brought home from the apartments.....​missing a drawer and really not attractive! (I found it, and this one, in the same unit!)

​But it was relatively sturdy and I knew I could install a shelf where the drawer was missing...perfect for little decorative baskets! Or books...or whatever!

​I never posted a before picture of this chair....and unfortunately, I forgot to take a picture BEFORE I took it all apart.  But basically it was just a little gray chair I found at the apartments...kinda nasty as usual and veeeery boring.

Both have been in my garage for months...kilzed and ready to go.  What to do, what to do.  I just couldn't get "inspired."  I don't have a problem doing this stuff, I just have a problem deciding exactly WHAT to do.  But the other day I was walking through Hobby Lobby and I saw all this pink and zebra stripe little girl's decor, and I thought "Oh MY!"  Inspiration at last. Keep in mind, I have NO place in my home for this but some little girl somewhere is going to love this stuff....​

The zebra stripes on the drawer fronts are hand painted.  Don't get too impressed.  While I have a tad of artisticness and creativeness in me, I'm honestly not THAT talented.  Here's a little secret...if you see a design or picture you want to put on a piece of furniture, trace it onto a piece of wax paper.  Then place the wax paper on a piece of sewing trace paper and trace it onto your piece.  (TIP: use sewing trace doesn't "smudge" as badly as other traceable papers and the markings are easy to remove with a damp cloth!) You can do this on ANYTHING...walls, glass, furniture, anything!!!  I painted the drawers white, traced the fabric design on wax paper and then traced that onto the drawer fronts....then painted them with black latex paint.  And with everything, I sprayed it with a clear coat!​

You can even print things off the computer and trace that...if the printed picture is too small for the project you are working on, just take the picture into any edit program and break it up in sections that can be printed off and then taped together.  If it is REALLY big, you can always project it onto the object with a projector.  We did that with a mural on my daughter's wall...if she EVER gets her room clean enough for me to take pictures, I will share her mural...totally awesome.  Ever hear of a "fail whale?"  Google really is awesome!!​

Anywho....animal print is not really my cup of tea...evident by the fact that I pretty much hated my bathroom when I decorated with "leopard print" in a failed attempt to decorate around my ugly gold shower doors!  

But after seeing a little inspiration and how "fun" it can be, this was a fun little project.