Sewing table....

I have shared this project before but with sewing and upholstery projects lined up on the dining room floor, it deserves another feature!

After a few weeks of working non-stop at the apartments, I finally have a little time to tackle the growing mountain of projects in my garage. Yesterday was spent prepping, priming and painting.

There has been a real "chance" of rain predicted for today all week and Mother Nature did not disappoint. Rain. Lots of it. So today, with the rain preventing me from getting out and finishing up those projects, I decided it was time to tackle one of my LEAST favorite aspect of DIY projecting! nemesis! But it is an (evil) necessity if you are a DIYer! Just too many little projects require, at the very least, a straight stitch. The simplest upholstery projects, decorative pillows and curtains require the service of a sewing machine!

As I mentioned in this post, it is important that I have a way to store and use my little portable (and very old) sewing machine! Nothing fancy...pretty much does just the basics...straight stitch, zig-zag, button holes (which I NEVER use!) 

This little portable table has been a life saver! 

This was a little rusty typewriter table I bought at an can see how I dealt with the rust here and brought it back to life with a little TLC. I use to set my machine on my dining table, risking scratches and damage to the table and limiting where I could work on my sewing projects!

The portability of this table make it super easy to store it in the laundry room cubby!

As I have mentioned before, if you don't know how to sew, learn the basics! Take a class at your local hobby store or have a friend teach you! It isn't difficult and again, definitely necessary!