This is not a “feature.”

This is not a “tutorial.”

This is to encourage you…IF YOU WANT IT, JUST DO IT!

Wow…that should be a product motto…lol!

But seriously, if there is something you envy…a beautifully painted room or piece of furniture, (this blog is FULL of painted furniture!) a flagstone walk, a swing pergola…JUST DO IT.

I know you can!

A few weeks ago my neighbor asked if she though it was possible to put new boards on her deck…her’s was pretty old and rotted and the railing was a hazard waiting to happen.

The deck is off her bedroom…she likes to sit out there in the morning and drink her coffee. The original plan was to tear off the existing 2x4 deck boards and replace them.

She and her husband decided they wanted to drop the deck a bit, add a step and add steps to the back yard. That was a whole nuther project…and required some serious planning and rebuilding.

Probably a good thing we decided to redesign and rebuilt the entire deck because even the frame was pretty rotted. It ALL needed to go.

The hitch…the only “muscle” we had were 5 housewives/retirees…myself being the youngest…everyone else was over 60.

But by goshy, WE DID IT!!!!!

We demoed the original deck (man was it showing its age!) and replaced it with a brand new one with access to the back yard!

The only thing left to finish is the railing and she decided she wanted black iron railing…so that is on order. When she gets it finished I’ll post some better pictures!

For now, she has a beautiful new deck!

We are not young. We are not strong and we are certainly not “deck design” experts.

I have a little construction knowledge but I have never actually designed and built a deck.

We have the internet.

Between the five of us we managed to work together to lift the heaviest boards.

And we were able to “tag team” so when one got tired, another jumped in.

Two construction dudes could have knocked it out in a day…it took us a week. But by goshy WE DID IT!

It was a labor of neighborly love.

This was certainly the result of a bunch of “old women” giving what we have.

This week I am building ANOTHER swing pergola….I guess working on the deck gave me “the bug.” When I get it finished I’ll post pics. For now, if you want a swing pergola, HERE is a great tutorial. YOU CAN DO IT!!!

Cleaning and sealing the deck...

I rarely share mundane chores...why? Well, because they are mundane. But this week I thought I would share our weekend chore only because I think I might have found a new product I like.

I say "I think I might" only because I suspect it will take a few years before I come to a conclusion as to whether it actually works. As far as "ease of application," it's a winner!

The back deck is on the north side of the house so one half gets no sun and had a good build up of black and green gunk. The other half gets a lot of sun so most sealants with stain tend to fade over time! For years I have just scrubbed it annually with bleach and Dawn.

Years ago I used a high power washer to clean my deck...not only did it clean it, it literally chewed the wood! Curses! (I suspect it was more "operator error") I sealed it with an oil based stain/sealer and it was a real pain in the rear...dry time was unreasonable when you have cats who like to sun bathe on the back deck.

Clean up wasn't a huge deal because I usually just tossed the applicator! But it made it near impossible to "start and stop" the project...I pretty much had to do it all at once!

And honestly, it was pretty stinky!

Time flies and while it feels like I just did this whole tedious chore a few years ago, I think it has been more like it was time once again to power wash and seal the deck.

This time I borrowed my neighbors power washer...only 2700 PSI but it cut right through the black gunk and dirt. 

Then I went on a search for a water based deck sealer. I'm all about oil based anything...and while I know it may not hold up as well, "ease of application" is a biggy these days!

I started researching like I always do...I googled "best deck sealant." I found a product on Amazon with five star stellar reviews...even says it right on the bottle...#1 Deck Premium Wood Stain.

I ordered the "Light Walnut" and tested it on the little deck off the master bedroom.

(Yes we neglected to clean the sides of the steps, hence the "green gunk.")

I was a little freaked out at first because it was kind of a "purplish haze" when I first brushed it on but it dried to a pleasant cedar color that blended well with the old stain color. I was able to clean the brush and bowl with soap and water so I didn't feel the pressure of getting it all done at once!

So, what do I LIKE about this product. First, it does not stink! Pretty much odorless. Second, it dried in 1-2 hours as promised so I didn't have to worry about the critters. I poured it in one of my "work bowls" and used a cheap 4" paint brush to apply was like brushing on water! It was super simple to clean with soap and water.

I wish I had taken "before" pictures of the deck so you could see just how nasty it was...but again, I usually don't share mundane chores so I didn't even think about it. This is a picture I snapped with my phone after I potted my summer can kinda see how bad it was!

This is what the deck looked like after cleaning but before applying the stain/sealant. 

It had been a few days since we powered washed the deck, so before I applied the sealant I hosed it down and let it you can see, the water just sits on the "beading."

This is "after" the sealant...looks amazing and the water beads right up which tells me the wood is sealed...for the time being!

The "side by side" comparison...again, it dries fast so I will be able to move everything over to the done side when I finally get the energy to finish it!

Why do I "think I might" like this product? I have no idea how long it will actually "seal" the deck.

Check back in a year or two!