Neighbors make a house a home....

My neighbors, Maryann and Kenny,  are awesome.  They doggy sit Ginger, our black lab, when we go out of town!  Ginger thinks they are her second family and when we go down there she just prances right in like she owns the place.  They spoil her rotten and we know if we have to leave her or if (God forbid) something were to happen to us, she couldn't be in better hands. 

She loves them...and so do we.

So I was so happy when Maryann decided these little chairs were perfect for her.... 

This was a fun project I featured here .  I was a tad worried that no one else would find their whimsey appealing! But she loved them and they look awesome in her dining room!

I live in the best neighborhood, surrounded by great neighbors!  Several love to come over and see what I am working on when I have furniture and tools spread all over my driveway! I love sharing what I do, but I love it even more when my hard work and "creations" find their way into the hearts and homes of my neighbors!   

One of the hardest things to come to terms with is actually "selling" stuff to friends and neighbors.  I am so use to just giving things away, but I really have to remind myself that I do have money and a great deal of time vested in most pieces.  Truth is, I still pretty much just sell to cover my actual expenses and rarely cover my "time."  But that is okay! My neighbors do for me on many occasions (like taking care of our dog) and I know if I ever need a hand, they (and my kiddos) will be the first ones here to help! 

It is true...neighbors really do make a house a home.