Maintaining a positive attitude during these uncertain times....

I am fortunate…my life has changed little since the entire nation went on lock-down. I own rental property so I have to go to work. Brian is in the grocery business so he has to go to work.

We tend to be “home bodies”…we rarely eat out, the last movie we saw in a theatre was “Shrek,” we bike and have a home gym so we don’t “go” to a gym…our favorite hobby is fly-fishing and that is a pretty solitary hobby. After raising 5 kids who participated in baseball, football, choir, band, softball, theatre, etc…we are enjoying our “down time.”

Little has changed. A few tiny sacrifices…we can’t go to our favorite breakfast restaurant on the weekends…but I cook at home. We kinda miss our weekend run to Starbucks but that is a habit we probably need to break anyway. I don’t go to the grocery store with Brian anymore, but trust me, not something I miss!

The biggest sacrifice has been our family Sunday dinners…I miss my kids and our grandpuppies terribly. I am hoping we can all have a big Mother’s Day celebration next month…fingers crossed!

But let’s be honest…regardless of how little my life has changed, the “negative” and “fear” is all around.

This is one of those times when we all need to dig deep to find SOMETHING to be grateful for and really focus on that…because if we don’t keep a positive mind set, it is going to be too easy to mentally dive into a pretty dark place.

There are so many negatives that can consume our minds…unemployment, finances, basic necessities, home schooling, your future retirement… just your future in general.

Here are my “tips” for not letting the “negatives” overwhelm you

1) Edit your social media. Get rid of any “friend” who is always posting anything political or negative. If they don’t post fuzzy kitty videos or dog memes. delete them. Be VERY selective about who and what is allowed into your brain! Critically limit your “online” social time in general.

2) Seriously limit your news consumption. Personally, I would limit it to maybe one national and one local segment a day…if that. It is one thing to stay informed, it is another to let it take over. This includes your “online” time….social media is chalked full of “news” links…AVOID THEM!

3) Get out and get some exercise and fresh air. Seriously, GET OUTSIDE!!!! Even if you have to bundle up or carry an umbrella. Here is a good swap…for every minute you watch the news, you walk. That will cure you from sitting around sucking in the neganews. Walk, ride a bike, pull some weeds, plant some flowers…do something outside every day!

4) Only read uplifting and positive books, magazine, and articles. This is not the time to amp up your “fear level” by reading scary books…this is not a time to read doomsday crap. Keep it positive and uplifting.

5) Eat right. Sugar and carbs mess with your body and your brain. Again, not the time to be chowing on empty calories that don’t do anything but hurt you. Eat healthy if for no other reason than you need to be in top shape if you do get this nasty virus!!!

6) Keep a set sleep schedule. Go to bed, WITH THE TV OFF, at a decent hour and get up at the same time every day. Make your bed so you aren’t tempted to crawl back in it during the day.

7) Make a list of everything you want to accomplish the next day. I’m not saying you WILL get it all done…you may have to carry something over to the next day and maybe the day after that…but at least it is in writing and you know what you WANT to accomplish!

8) Take a shower, fix your hair, and get dressed. Sitting around in your pajamas all day is just an invitation to waste the day away.

9) Do something kind for someone else. Run an errand for a neighbor, volunteer, buy UPLIFTING books online and send them to neighbors and friends, go be a dog walker at the local animal shelter, clean out your closets and donate stuff you really don’t need! Leave your own pity-party and DO SOMETHING for someone else.

Stay focused on the positive. You may have to really dig deep to find it, but trust me it is much easier to dig deep to find a positive than it is to dig yourself out of a negative “pit.”

A friend posted this on Facebook…I stole it because it is exactly the kind of thing you need to print off and post on the fridge and bathroom mirror!!!! Positive affirmations!

I’ve posted this before and I will post it again….

And remember, EVERYONE around you is experiencing loss and fear…they are GRIEVING just like you…so be kind and respectful and patient.

Remember, AND UNDERSTAND, that fear, frustration and hurt are the catalyst for ANGER!!! Everyone is fearful and frustrated right now.

Not an excuse for bad behavior but knowing this may help you deal with your own feelings and understand the emotions and behavior of those around you!

Stay safe and healthy!