Spring has arrived....

I wish I had the time, patience and photography skills to share a "Spring Home Tour"...but if you want a peak at some very talented lady's homes, start with my bliend's (blog-friend...guess it could be flog...lol!) home tour here...Cristina has a beautiful home. While it started out as your typical "builder grade" house, she has transformed it into a warm and inviting home. She is a champ at featuring the "how" on any DIY project! While I am more about the "doing" she is a champ at "doing" and "froo-frooing."

Truth is, I feel like I have been inside all winter. so when the temps climb above 60, I have to be outside working in the yard! It is time to start prepping for summer!

First, raking the beds AGAIN! Naturally I rake leaves and pine needles in the fall...then I do a little at some point after Christmas. Then a few weeks ago I did another 20 bag rake. So honestly, there isn't much to clean out...but there are always those stragglers that have to be cleaned up!

The hostas are popping their little heads so it is time to mulch. While not fun and glamorous, a necessity. 

A fresh topping of mulch dresses the beds and helps insulate the early bloomers from any freezes we might have in the next few weeks. Later in the year it is a must for moisture retention and weed control!

Still way to early to plant annuals but the spring blooms are coming alive.

The Bradfords are blooming...

and the vinca is coming to life... 

The daffodils were in full glory the last few weeks, but the blooms are beginning to wilt.

This picture popped up on my Facebook memories...eight years ago we had snow! This year the daffodils made it through their season so I didn't have to bring them in to enjoy them!

Next up, tulips.

Years ago I planted about 100 tulip bulbs...the first two years they were glorious! But tulip bulbs tend to rot easily so now I only have 2-3 left.

Sarah's birthday is the first week of April and I always know when the tulips will bloom...the week of her birthday!

So while I would love to be inside "prepping" my house for spring, there is no place I would rather be than outside soaking in the sun and digging in the dirt!

And Cleo agrees...

Her 4th birthday is tomorrow so she is definitely a spring baby!

The temps are suppose to be in the 70s for the next few days and I have plenty more to do. Cleaning and prepping pots for planting, cleaning out the water feature and planting summer bulbs! 

I notice the pictures on the "Landscapes" link several years old so maybe this year I can get them updated!