'Tis the season for graduation!

This is a big year in our house for graduates. And since both boys surprised me this week, Matt announced he IS going to walk for graduation and Mitchell came home for the weekend, I decided to take a minute this week to brag a bit on my awesome kids!

My baby, Katie, will be graduating (with high honors mind you) from high school! Wow...where has the time flown! She is an amazing young lady with incredible talent! I can't wait to see what the next chapter in her life holds!

My youngest son, Matt, will be graduating from the University of Arkansas with his masters! This has been a huge year for Matt. He received his professional pilot's certification AND his masters. So proud! And I would like to add that he will be the FOURTH generation to graduated from the UofA!

Mitchell completed his certification for EMT this past year and his girlfriend, Moira, will be graduating from law school this month! They graduated from USC together four years ago...again, where did the time go!

My oldest daughter, Sarah, is still trudging away at her degree. Tough to do with two kids, a home and a job (even with my favorite SIL, Joel, to help) but she is still pulling down As and working her way towards a lofty goal for a woman with just a few demands on her time and attention! Next year she will get the spotlight all to herself! In the meantime she has a huge cheering section rooting for her!!!

Brandon, Brian's son, will finish his under-graduate studies in December. He is an incredible young man and we are so blessed to have him as part of this family!

I don't think a day goes by that I am not thankful for the talented, intelligent, and kind children I have been blessed with. Amazing. 

I remember thinking when they were babies...THIS is the best age. Infants learning to smile and laugh...toddlers learning to crawl then walk...little people learning to read and explore...teenagers showing off their talents and developing maturity.

Then they become "adults." Funny...as a mother I never stop seeing them as "babies" in my mind's eye. It's as if when I look at them they are still "little people." But I know they are "adults" now...finding their way in this world...working towards a place where they feel comfortable and confident. Happy.

And I think, THIS is the best age!

There are so many lessons I wish I could teach them before they have to figure it out themselves. Hard lessons. So many harsh realities I wish I could protect them from...but I can't.

Thank you Lord for giving me healthy, intelligent, kind "little people." 

I am so proud of them all. But more importantly, I am so grateful for every one of them!