Another little fall project....

My daughter, Sarah, was quick to point out that I have ENOUGH fall decor.  But every year I try to add just a tad more.  

This Pinterest pin was my inspiration for my project today.... 

....I pinned it last year and planned on making it for the Christmas holiday season.  But I could never find a box or crate I liked, and well, I just never got around to it! 

But several months ago I bought an old wood crate at an auction.  And my neighbor trimmed some of his trees so I finally had some straight branches I like!   

So I decided to make a simple fall display that can easily be used for Christmas decor as well...nothing permanent, so it will be easy to break it all down and change it out! 

First, I started with the wood crate, the tree branches, and pine cones I picked up in my yard. If you aren't as fortunate as I to have big pine trees that drop thousands of pine cones and tons of needles in your yard every year (grrrr), you can buy pine cones at any craft store.     

I cut the branches in varying lengths with my chop saw.  If you don't have a chop saw, you can use a skill saw or hand saw. 

I stuck the branches in the crate, randomly, and then used crumpled newspaper to fill the bottom and hold the branches in place. If you want something a little more permanent, you could always use floral foam...or even foam insulation like I did here.  If you use foam insulation, you may want to line the sides of your box with plastic or paper to keep the foam from oozing out the sides!

After filling the bottom of the box with paper, I topped it with dried Spanish moss...again, you can buy it at any craft store! 

After filling the box with Spanish moss, I took fall silk leaves and flowers and filled the didn't take a lot of fall floral stuff...just some leftover sprigs from the urn project. Then I used the pine cones as "fillers." 


For Christmas, I can take out the fall leaves and flowers and put something "Christmasy" in the box...maybe add some lights like the inspiration picture. 

I am NOT a floral this project doesn't require a lot of skill...just stick, stuff and pretend.   

Cute, easy, and relatively inexpensive...especially when you consider you can use it for both fall and Christmas!