My New Years resolution....

So many take this time of the year to reflect on the year past…and then make “resolutions” for the new year…lose weight, exercise more, make better grades, be a better parent, find that “dream” job, etc.

I have one resolution year after year.

Be happy.

Sometimes that is a tough one to fulfill…”life” just seems to throw us one curve ball after another. But it really is a simple goal…pretty much encompasses every aspect of my life….and it ALL depends on the choices I make. Not a choice to BUY something, or BE something, or DO something, and especially anything I have ZERO control over which is just about everything and everybody… but on how I CHOOSE to “feel” about everything…what “emotions” I harbor…my “attitude.”

The handful of people who follow me will know there is something (or rather someones) missing in this photo. (Years past HERE)

Yep…this is the year I have dreaded.

I had kinda-sorta grown accustom to my oldest son occasionally missing Christmas morning…but this year my youngest son got married and they spent Christmas morning with her family. So both boys were MIA.

I knew the day would come when our traditional Christmas morning gathering would be “fractured” by other commitments.

I knew it in my head.

I prepared myself mentally.

But oh the heart.

This is one of many things in our lives that we know and understand in our HEAD, but our heart struggles to grasp.

This is one of those times when I have to focus on the positives!

Katie came home…just for the day, but she was here.

Sarah and her family always come for a few days..

Brandon and Taylor are always here for the morning.

Mitchell managed to sneak in for a few days the week before Christmas.

Matt and Hannah traveled safely Christmas day and were here Christmas night.

Head vs. Heart. For me it is a constant battle.

I know something is what it is, but my heart seems to have a mind of its own…or maybe it has no mind at all, just a lot of emotions that try desperately to over-ride the brain.

Fear, frustration, hurt (the 3 biggies that almost always manifest in anger), resentment. bitterness, hate, disgust, jealousy…just a few NEGATIVE emotions we may experience when life seems to throw us a curve.

Scattered babies at Christmas is a “curve!” Sadness…a negative emotion.

The perfect time to double down and focus on the positives. Grateful for the amazing kids I have. Pride in the wonderful lives they have made for themselves. Joy for the love and respect we all have for each other.

Remember…you have a CHOICE as to whether those emotions will be negative or positive. It doesn’t matter whether you are dealing with family, your career, a DIY project, school, etc.

The choice you make in ANY situation will determine whether you have a happy and fulfilling 2020, or a really crummy year.

Choose wisely.

If you question the affect choosing to focus on the positives can have on your life, please take 15 minutes of your day to hear Kelly Fohner’s story. Her son Josh and my son Matt are friends and played ball together throughout their youth. If you think your life is tough…if you think the choices YOU make to focus on the positives seems silly, listen to this mother’s story. I have watched it many times and it ALWAYS reinforces my desire to be grateful…to focus on the positives…to see and appreciate my life for what I HAVE and not what I don’t have.

Have an AMAZING 2020!

A season of giving....

“It is more blessed to give than receive.” If you are of the Christian faith you are familiar with this bible verse.

What does this tiny little verse mean to me.

I am not familiar enough with other faiths to know what the commands are for “giving.”

Regardless of your “faith” or “beliefs” or whether you celebrate Christmas or not, this is the perfect time of the year to “give.”

There are so many who struggle during this time of year for so many reasons.

A young single mom trying to find a way to buy a little something for her child.

A family struggling to put a decent meal on the table.

An elderly person trying to figure out a way to heat their home.

A teenager living on the streets because mom and dad are unable to provide a stable home.

Maybe this time of year is no more a struggle for them than any other time of the year…but the “commercial spirit” of the Christmas season seems to make it so much worse for those without.

So every year I put 5 $20 bills in my wallet. If you have more, make it 5 $100s…less…5 $10s or $5s or even $1s!

When “the spirit” speaks, I give.

I gave to the woman at the bus stop who may be the single mom struggling to make ends meet…let alone buy her child a Christmas present.

I gave to the family at the grocery store. I could tell from their purchases that a “good meal” is a struggle.

I gave to the teenage kid at the gas station when he was digging in his pockets to find enough change to put a little bit of gas in his scooter.

I gave to the elderly man whose gloves had holes and his jacket was entirely too thin for the frigid weather.

I give quietly…discreetly…with humility and without fanfare.

I don’t know if God speaks in an audible voice…but I do believe he speaks to our hearts…and if we make a commitment to listen, we will hear “his voice.”

Give. Give now. Give to THAT person.

You will know…

Share what you have….even if it is not a lot…give.

This is my wish for Christmas…that every person “give” what they are capable of giving…even if it is nothing more than an act of kindness, a smile, words of encouragement, a silent prayer, a little bit of your time.

And before you start whining about what you DO NOT have and why you CAN NOT give, think about this…. 

I saw this posted on Facebook and it really resonated with me. First, because it reaffirms my belief that gratitude and happiness go hand in hand.

Also because we ALL have those times when we bitch and moan about what we don’t have and forget that there are people in this world who have WAY less than we do.

No matter how little you have, there is always someone who has WAY less.

So give…give because you are blessed.