Spring is in the air!

When the Bradford's bloom and the hostas start to peak their little heads out of the ground, I know it is time to get busy!!

Last week my daughter and grandson, Ashton, came to visit. I offered Ashton $25 to empty out my decorative pond...even tried to bribe him with the potential sighting of a frog or two that always take up residence in all the muck. No deal man....that kid is no fool!

Putrid...but no frogs this year!

Rather than clean it out Monday or Tuesday when the temperatures where in the 70s, I decided to make a chore of it today. Not that it's not warm today, but we're sliding back into the 50s for the rest of the week. Typical Arkansas spring....Tuesday I wore shorts on our evening walk...by the weekend I'll be back in my sweats! 

Temperatures can't be a factor when there are things to be done to get ready for spring planting. It is way too early to plant flowers but the perfect time to clean out the beds and pond, put down mulch and empty out the pots!

I love my little water feature. But it should be a warning to all you 30 and 40 somethings who want ponds and floor beds and massive decks. You WILL get old and those things WILL need maintenance...about the time you hit your 50s....and 2 hours of dredging rotten leaves and fermented worms will put you on the couch for 2 or 3 days! 

Whatever....at least I can hear the wonderful water fountain while I am laid up in bed!

I usually keep the pond cleaned and treated from spring to fall. The first time it freezes over I unplug the pump and it pretty much turns in to a rancid smelling mess of leaves, pine needles and earth worms. 

I decided early on I didn't want fish...too much hassle! To keep it clear during the warm months I dump a handful of chlorine shock in it and skim it every week or so to get out the leaves and dead worms! 

And this little pump is a life saver!!!

Still a major chore, but it's a lot easier to pump the water out rather than use a 5 gallon bucket!

One chore down, so many more to go. Mulch going down today. Still have to empty pots and add fresh soil. A few doggy dig holes to fill. 

This time next month, everything will be ready for new plantings!!! 

Spring is ALMOST here....

I say "almost" because our zone freeze date is April 11th...and I know from past experience that we can get some pretty cool temperatures even past that date. So I force myself to sit on my hands and NOT plant any tender annuals until well past that date.

But this week the hostas began popping their little heads up...and that is my sign to kick it into gear and at the very least start mulching beds.

My yard in the spring reminds me of why I don't want to sell my house...but after several days of raking and mulching, I am reminded of why I probably should sell it....man oh man!

Regardless, I love it. The daffodils have come and all but gone! But the Bradford pear trees are in full bloom and the vinca minor is showing off it's beautiful blue flowers!

Just beautiful!

I am still waiting on my tile to finish the fireplace. In the mean time I have been working on a few little knick knack projects for that room. With the weather warming up, I can also get out and start painting a few "projects" that have been languishing in the garage during the cold weather. 

So much to do. 

And I love it!!!

This past weekend Brian and I went to an auction at a home decor store that is going out of business. I have never been a big Easter decorator, but I did find some darling bunnies....

I like the little touches of "spring" in the house.

I hope you and yours have a wonderful Easter weekend!