Wicker chair fit for a little ballerina...

It is so hard to take a picture of a piece of furniture that was white but is now a PALE mist green...but I tried! 


It may not appear in the picture to be a huge difference, but it really is!  And it is perfect for a little girl's room!  Now if I only had a "little" girl....

What is truly amazing about the color I painted the little chair (Valspar,  Mellow Spring) is it matches the color of my 60+ year old Universal Ballerina Mist stoneware to a T! 

My paternal grandmother wasn't a "china" kind of lady...so this was really all she had.  My mom bought the gravy bowl and plate, the serving platter and the tea pitcher at the estate auction after Grandma passed....while she was carrying it back to her car she dropped the pitcher!!  So when mom gave me what she had, the pitcher was beyond repair.  So I did what I always do...I Googled the pattern!   

Turns out it isn't a real expensive stoneware pattern...but the color and style is really beautiful and very "mid-century" since it was probably made and acquired in the 50s.  It is a "mist green" with a platinum band...just awesome.  So when I found more pieces out there, I bought another tea pitcher, the milk pitcher, salt and pepper shakers, a serving bowl and the sugar and creamer set.   


Being the "family historian" and "archive fanatic" that I am, I carefully wrapped the broken pitcher, put it in a box, and wrote the story of why there was a broken tea pitcher in it and how I acquired a replacement.... with a Sharpie...on the box!  Hopefully my family won't think their mom was crazy for keeping a broken tea pitcher in the attic (trust me, they have enough reasons!)   

This week while I was sniffing around a new antique shop in town, I found another set of salt and pepper shakers! 


Now that I have two sets, I don't mind using one...at least I know I have a replacement if they get broken!